Saturday, March 15, 2014

Halo 4 Custom Controller for Xbox

If you are a fan of the Xbox gaming console, then it is a must that you experience Halo 4 controller which is a limited edition wireless controller that features UNSC artwork that was designed in partnership with 343 Industries. Players who have been playing with Xbox for a very long time will be surprised with this new innovation. It has a customizable D-pad that you can easily switch from plus to a disc to experience better control. It has a wireless range of up to 30 feet that can offer players the freedom to move and to go around their house while playing. This is something that you will never get from other controller because some only offer 30 meter range.
Halo 4 Controller for Xbox
Halo 4 Controller

Many gamers are already aware what Xbox can offer when it comes to controller, but with the introduction of the latest Halo 4 controller has made everyone excited to grab one. Many experience better feeling while holding and playing with the controller. The sticks are studier than ever before.  With the long history of Xbox controller, players are always complaining about their stick which is not very easy to use. This controller is amazing and performs better especially their sticks. You will love the new texture of its analog stick and the resistance feels right. You will find the special edition D-pad, but it is not very often use. However, you will find some PlayStation games that you need to use the D-pad.
When it comes to the overall look of the controller, you will realize that it is translucent and you will notice that it looks better than others. Its LED light glow nicely that looks like a blue ring instead of a green light. The overall look is almost the same as its older versions with a different twist. If you like a totally unique design for this limited edition Halo 4 controller, then you will surely find the design that will match your personality and taste from Gearhead Modding. They will help you get your dream controller with their custom made designs. It is nice to buy new one if you think that your old controller is already worn out.

You can choose from different edition of controllers for an affordable price. They also offer DIY products wherein you can personalize your own controller and choose from different colors for buttons and sticks that you want. This is a smart choice and the design will not take away its functionality as it still hold a tact design and better grip that can make you old the controller even if you have sweaty hands. With Gearhead Modding, you can choose from different add-ons to make your controller more functional for you depending on your special needs and requirements. All in all, it is a great looking controller especially with a little help from Gearhead Modding. Fans of Xbox console will surely love this newest innovation. You will never regret having one especially if it is beautifully customized.